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Anthony Hopkins On The Illusion Of Life

In this compelling video, Anthony Hopkins discusses the philosophical aspects of life, offering insights that challenge conventional perceptions. Hopkins suggests life is an illusion, a concept echoing through spiritual and [...]
A beautiful scene with a mix of many different kinds of animals with beautiful mountains and sunset in the background

Inspiring Video: Wonderment

As I watched this video this morning while eating breakfast, it moved me to tears with its beauty and inspiration.  Lisa Smith, who is speaking in the video says:   [...]
barren desert

​Is your creativity constipated?​

T​his morning I had a realization. For quite a few months now​, I’ve felt like ​I’m in a stagnant period where I haven’t accomplished much of anything and have felt [...]

What is the best way to fall asleep fast?

Do you have trouble falling asleep?  Like, no matter how hard you try, you often just can’t seem to fall asleep?  In this post, I’ll tell you about the best way [...]
fasting featured image

My First 36+ Hour Intermittent Fast

I have a confession to make. This post was going to be named "My First Multi-Day Fast", but thinking things over during the time when I was 24-36 hours in, [...]
The Universe is Mental

The Mental Universe

Image credit: Jonathan Pie This morning, while reviewing my email drafts folder, which I frequently use to save links, quotes, and other things I want to save or come back [...]
deaths dance 1

What the F*** Am I Doing Here?!

The bulk of this post was written/dictated on 3/10/2017. On that day, in my kitchen, while making lunch, I almost had a meltdown. I was so frustrated, and that frustration [...]

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